ICONIC Street Dance Terms of Service.
Last updated: 18/8/23
ICONIC Street Dance take their responsibility seriously to ensure the safety of their pupils.
- All parents must complete a Registration/Consent Form when joining the school with clear information regarding emergency contacts and any relevant medical history.
- A copy of primary and emergency contact numbers will be kept on class registers.
- It is the parent’s responsibility to notify ICONIC of any changes to their emergency contact details
- In case of a fire emergency all coaches have a clear understanding of procedures to follow.
- ICONIC will undertake regular assessment of risks regarding our premises and any concerns will be raised with the owners.
- It is ICONIC’s responsibility to keep a fully equipped First Aid Box within the building. In case of an incident an Accident report must be completed and a copy given to parent/guardian on collection.
- If required ICONIC will contact the emergency services first, then the parent / guardian of the student(s) involved by the telephone number on the class registers.
- Parents understand that dance is an active sport and injuries can happen. ICONIC accepts no responsibility for injuries sustained via any means other than a teacher’s negligence.
- Pupils will be supervised during class time only and parents /carer’s must ensure the safety of their children in the car park, waiting, changing and toilet areas.
- We hold no responsibility for children and young adults using the grounds around the building.
- Children are not permitted in the kitchen area at any time.
- Students/parents or guardians should inform the coach of any special health considerations or existing injuries before participating in class
- Parents must be responsible for ensuring your child’s punctuality.
- Dress code must be observed at all times, especially footwear for safe dance practice.
- Shoes must be worn when using the toilet facilities.
- Pupils should not wear any jewellery that may pose a risk to themselves or others (stud earrings, and jewellery worn for religious or cultural reasons are acceptable).
- No child will be allowed to leave the class with anyone other than a parent unless confirmed with coach prior to class either verbally or via email.
We are committed to reviewing our policies and procedures annually
Registration takes place at the beginning of each term, and registered students are expected to commit to a full term.
Please note that Student Fees are paid in full and cannot be refunded.
The payment of fees on time enables ICONIC to secure your place and pay for venues, technical equipment, music license, insurance, all of which have to be booked or bought well in advance to guarantee availability.
A full-term payment is required if a student applies at any point before half term and a half term payment is required if a student applies at any point after half term.
Students are required to arrive punctually for all classes, as late starting can affect the entire class. If a student is late to a dance class they miss out on stretching and flexibility training which is essential in order to improve technique.
It is for the benefit of the student that their attendance is maintained. Good attendance will help provide the opportunity for great development in their technique, performance skills and confidence. If the student has been ill it is best not to attend class until the appropriate period of time has passed. ICONIC reserves the right to not allow students with poor attendance to perform in the showcases.
ICONIC reserves the right to alter course content/timetable/tutors as necessary.
ICONIC welcomes applications from all members of the community, regardless of race, religion, gender or disability.
Each new member gets a free tshirt when they sign up for the term. Everything else is available to order and will only be ordered when payment in full is received.
Here at ICONIC we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the services you have requested from us. See the full Privacy Policy HERE