Crew (invite only)


Junior Crew, Icrew and Senior Crew
Costs cover Term 2: January – April 2025, full 13 week course

SKU: N/A Category:


JCrew is on Wednesdays @ 3.30-5.00pm

ICrew is on Wednesdays @ 6.30-8.00pm

Senior Crew is on Fridays @ 5.00-7.00pm

Our crew is made up of ICONIC students who have shown specific skills, extra strength, discipline and interest in street dance. We are always open to having new members join the crew but this is on an invite basis only. If we see these qualities is one of our current students we will speak to their parents/guardians and then invite them along to an audition. For the audition, each student must prepare a 1 minute long original personally choreographed routine to a song of their choosing, and then they will be tested on learning a section of a routine from the instructors. Please be aware that the Crew requires a lot of commitment. There is an extra class, extra cost and various performances around the North Coast that you are required to attend. Students who qualify for crew must already and continue to attend one of our other street dance classes. Please contact us for multiple dance class discount code.